
Circle of Consciousness & Happiness

Elevate Your #Consciousness

Elevate Your #Consciousness

Science of spirituality, when I heard this, I thought it must be another marketing term.…

© Research – Science of Consciousness

© Research – Science of Consciousness

#FACTThe research-based fact says that your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality; they are not…

ML #machinelearning vs SOS #scienceofspirituality or SOC #scienceof consciousness

ML #machinelearning vs SOS #scienceofspirituality or SOC #scienceof consciousness

ML is a technique to train machines that can learn from past data to increase…

The Unconscious Mind (Freud’s Iceberg Theory) & a way to detach rather than repress

The Unconscious Mind (Freud’s Iceberg Theory) & a way to detach rather than repress

After a few weeks of practicing #COCH, my master Dr. Bhupendra C. messaged me to remove “the invisible…

Divine Energy fulfiller of my desire to write effectively

Divine Energy fulfiller of my desire to write effectively

A few weeks after joining the COCH, one day I felt my mind would burst.…

Guru Purnima – An emotion expressed

Guru Purnima – An emotion expressed

“Reality is above and beyond but needs to be explored ‘within.’” – A guidance by…

Hey Siri, Hey Google, Hey Alexa, and now “Hey Energy” latest technology 

Hey Siri, Hey Google, Hey Alexa, and now “Hey Energy” latest technology 

Siri, Google, Alexa, and all of the existing voice assistants use voice recognition, Natural Language…


For Self-Inquiry

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